Activity: services to the highest standards

Świętokrzyskie Centrum Badania Jakości Sp. z o.o. inherits the long-standing traditions of laboratories which used to operate within the structure of iron foundries in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.

As a modern research centre, we provide Strength and Non-Destructive Tests on a variety of metallurgical products. We specialize in the testing of welded joints.

Our effort to provide the highest standards of services is reflected in a binding management system recognized by the Polish Centre for Accreditation, and in our consistent implementation of the defined quality goals.

The competence of our Metal Testing Laboratory in meeting the requirements of the Standard PN-EN ISO/OEC 17025:2005 is acknowledged by:

  • Certificate of Accreditation for Testing Laboratory – granted by the Polish Centre of Accreditation;

  • Laboratory Certificate of Recognition – granted by the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT).


We are a member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. ILAC brings together laboratories which operate towards the accreditation of a variety of programs. It also works for the international recognition of the results of accredited testing.

We are a full member of Polish Research Laboratories Club, POLLAB.